Preventing indexing in a directory
Why would you want to do this ?
By default, recollindex (or the indexing thread inside the recoll QT user interface) will process your home directories and most its subdirectories, at the exception of some well known places (thumbnails, beagle and web browser caches, etc.)
You may want to prevent indexing in some directories where you don’t expect interesting search results. This will avoid polluting the search result lists, speed up indexing times and make the index smaller.
How to do it
There are two ways to block indexing at certain points: either by listing specific paths, or by directory name pattern matches.
Blocking specific paths: this is controlled by the 'skippedPaths' variable in the main configuration file. You can adjust the value either by editing the file or by using the indexing configuration dialog: Preferences→Indexing configuration→Global parameters→Skipped paths
Using pattern matches: these are listed in the skippedNames variable in the main configuration file. You can adjust the value either by editing the file or by using the GUI: Preferences→Indexing configuration→Local parameters→Skipped names
The configuration section of the manual has a bit more detail about the two variables.